Heartfelt Listening: hearing and honoring the feelings and wisdom within your Self, and within another, will allow what seems stuck to loosen 

Express Your Feeling: a safer environment to express yourself authentically will help your thoughts and feelings come to light—eventually dissolving from the shadows of fear, judgement, and shame 

Trust Your Intuition: connect with your heart and body to experience your inner-knowing, inner-strength, inner-vision that will guide you step-by-step to what you desire

Honor What You Want: supporting your path forward with honest communication, clear boundaries, and respectful, hopeful action, will attract more of what you want

Patience with the Process: holding space for your continued, caring support while healing is occurring, and your new vision is coming to fruition, will create more grace in the process

Evidence shows that the heart of your healing and empowerment is already in you. Step In.
— Piper Lauri Salogga


For over 50 years, collectively, we have supported clients to heal and manifest the magic of their desires.  We each use a combination of tools that I have found to be the most effective, from both ancient and modern approaches. Each client and each session will reveal which tools want to be used.

A Few of Our Favorites:  

Somatica Relationship & Sex Coaching
Hypnotherapy & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Trance-State Healing
Reiki & Qigong Energy Healing
Hridaya (Sacred Heart) Classical Tantra
Buddhist, Taoist, Q’ero & Qabbalah Mindfulness & Manifestation Practices


 Feng Shui (for those that want to work from the outside-in)
Somatic Astrology: Western & Chinese (Tong Shu)
Numerology Charts
Tarot Readings


The Life You Desire™ map below (copyright Living Sensual Institute) outlines the stages of human manifestation evidenced through many ancient and modern spiritual traditions. They look organized, moving around like a clock . In truth, we tend to bounce around them like a pinball game—many of us most comfortable in the first three stages. 

QUESTION: Regarding a current desire (example: attracting a loving, intimate partner; feeling healthy in your body; enjoying sex again; making more money; feeling good about yourself, at peace), in what stage(s) do you feel you are currently focusing?



A healthy coaching relationship is one of mutual communication and trust. It unfolds in the safe space of anonymity, shared confidence, and the shared belief in our relationship and your creation of The Life Your Heart Desires™.

As your deep-listening and feeling guide: 
 Think of me as your sherpa—supporting your journey into and with your intuitive heart and body—the wise and resourced parts of yourself. My role is to shine a light on your heart’s longing, to be with you in honest and secure attachment, and providing tools for you to grow and change as you desire. And as you connect with and trust your inner-wisdom (that is communicating with you through your feeling: your emotions, sensations, and intuition), you will find yourself more fulfilled through your actions in the world. I am committed to your heart’s hopes, dreams, and desires.  I fully believe in you. Having witnessed myself and so many others heal and transform, find and live into peace, joy, and fulfillment, I know you can too.

As the client: 
 I ask that you be open to taking the risk of being honest and vulnerable as you feel and express your current truth and try new ways of being. I ask that you make room for the change that wants to happen within you and with others, trusting more and more that you are being supported. And I ask that you be gentle with yourself as you walk the journey of listening to, and nurturing, your heart that wants to live on purpose. 

We are all human. We have all made many mistakes, hit many roadblocks, struggled, feared, dreamed and hoped.  It is your hope that drives your heart’s purpose and desire. Your hope can become your reality as you make room for receiving what you want in your life.

Healing, growing, connecting, in all their forms, can take time.  And when you have created the space within yourself to receive it, it can also take boundless leaps in very little time. I am here to listen, support, and share with you, as my mentors over the last 35 years have with me, for as long or as little as you need. You will know through your greater peace and ease in living and working when your heart’s wisdom is leading the way.