Learning to be in Compassionate Community with Vulnerable Inter-Dependence.
Sharing water in numbers nourishes and nurtures.
“Gone are the days of Tiger’s rugged individualism. 2023 is a year to be FELT and SHARED—Yin Water Rabbit.”
The energies of this year are going to challenge us all to get comfortably uncomfortable—feeling ALL of our feelings, not just the socially acceptable ones. We may find our vulnerability eased though our trusted connections and loving community. But ultimately, grace will come through the flow and release of our body’s feeling. To have faith that enjoyment and fulfillment will flow from this emotional freedom… this is the personal challenge of the year.
While being present to all the pleasures of our body’s sensations in daily life, develop a practice of giving thanks in each moment you find pleasing. This awareness and gratitude will bring more of what you are enjoying into your life. Staying with your feeling (compassion, sensation, and emotion) will eventually bring greater and greater ease and prosperity, especially when you are in good company—in trusted, compassionate, caring community.
Know, we are paving new healthy pathways (in our brains and bodies) for ourselves and our loved ones, including our children, and our children’s children. It is time to let go of “bucking up” and “pushing down” what is being felt. It is time to heal and grow and flow into a more open and honest way of being human in this complex and treasure-filled life.
2023 will bring the gifts of: Mutual-dependence; Building and nurturing deeply caring and supportive communities; Growing more comfortable with the feeling nature of our humanness
In 2023 watch for: Spinning into anxiety; Vulnerability Hangovers; Becoming emotionally overwrought; Blaming and causing harm to ourselves and others; Becoming lonely and depressed in our heightened need to self-protect
From my heart to yours,
Nuzzling is a common affair amongst loving trusted mates.
Rabbits are lightly-treading, quiet, discrete, home-loving, communal creatures who value Safety and TRUST above all else.
They NEED their Fluffles — trusted family/community groups. They are slow to bond with those they don’t know, so take your time and have patience when getting to know another this year.
Their Heightened Senses keep Rabbits safer, although also on high-alert—their ears and nose especially. Choosing right-fit music and scents will have a more potent affect on your interpersonal connections.
Working with their trusted community Rabbits are PROSPEROUS in every way. Loving to eat and desiring things around them to feel safe, Rabbits are in the habit of always finding what they need.
Rabbits are Territorial and have clear chains of command and Boundaries in the warren. They prefer to avoid confrontation, however, are willing to fight to the death if needed to protect themselves of their community—being tiny and quiet does not stop them from using their strong legs with sharp teeth.
You know when a Rabbit is feeling particularly Anxious, they become wildly messy, scattered, aggressive, and loud.
Rabbits hang together and watch out for each other—there is safety in trusted numbers.
Rabbits Thrive in Trusted Togetherness: constantly and quietly watching out for each other; resourcefully foraging together; sharing with each other; playing together; grooming and snuggling together; love-bumping and making babies together
Dating & Building Relationships: Rabbits need to Go Slow. Take your time to enjoy courtship. Have patience to let your intimate interest come to you—trust is earned. Honor each other’s need for boundaries and safety. Make room within for emotional and physical sensitivity with yourself and others. Body language will communicate more clearly than words. Accept that you and others may need to know your escape routes this year—this does not mean that you are not desiring connection, it is simply another way that you can feel safe. And once trust is developed, once a deep bond is felt, likely you will feel a unmoving loyalty in your relationships. Also, let’s celebrate the heightened sensuality active this year—there is the potential for much enjoyment in eating, petting, playing, and resting TOGETHER.
Compatibility (with other Chinese Zodiac animals): Because power comes to Rabbits in a subordinate position, partnering is very important to them. They are best suited to the strong worldly signs: Pigs, Ox and Goats. Partnering with Snakes gives them complete discretion. Though they can socially manage all the signs, the Rooster’s critical and confrontative character disarms Rabbits completely. *
The Rabbit warren is a beautiful, architectural haven. Each family has its own pod. Each community its own section.
“The ability to navigate vulnerability within our self and with others is the push of the year—it is also the reward.”
Rabbits will fight when they feel they have to, but they’d rather hang out in peace.
More on Rabbit
When Charged: gentle, quiet, peace loving, intuitive, intelligent, aesthetic, domestic, social, diverse, dependent, supportive, loving and authoritative. *
When Depleted: gossipy, snobby, superficial, paranoid, greedy, scattered, vain, promiscuous, opportunistic, deceptive, conservative, stubborn and lazy *
Native Element: YIN WOOD
Correspondences: 5am – 7am, 2nd moon, Earth gods, apricot flower, crystal, east *
Auspices: Modesty and grace is key to success in life. Success in business *
Rabbits prefer avoid the water than get soaked in it.
Light rain and snow, drizzle and snow-flurries
Streams, small meandering rivers, fiords
Showers, baths, saunas
Tea, soothing drinks
Tears and tender emotions
Sensual experiences
When Charged: healing, feeling, flow, sensing, nurturing, nourishing, soothing, cleansing, lightly penetrating, sensual, compassionate, emotionally intelligent
When Depleted: soggy, swampy, simpy (sweetly wimpy), whiney, moldy, overwrought, uncomfortable, disappointed, depressed, debauched
“The Power of Feeling will be found through the flow of our compassion, emotion, sensation, and intuition.”
This Algonquin Water Song was written by Irene Wawatie Jerome for Grandfather William Commanda's 2002 Circle of All Nations gathering. It is recorded with permission from the Wawatie and Commanda families and the Circle of All Nations Foundation and the Elders in Canada.
Schedule a FIREWORKS SESSION & Sacred Intimacy Coaching for the support you need
Body Scan
Pranayama and/or Qigong Breathing
Franciscan Meditation
Daily Kriyas: eye washing, throat gargle, netti pot, ear and crown cleaning
Yin Yoga or Hatha yoga – poses are held longer w Open Awareness
Yoga Nidra – Dream yoga
“God, please show me how you love me”
Boundaries: Blue Pyramid, Rose, spoken boundaries
Opening and closing the body’s energy centers (dial open, dial closed)
Curling up into a ball and/or shaking the body out
Building your Support Tool Kit
Phone a friend list
Compliment Altar inside yourself
Mirror dancing
Animal Game
Expressing in the car
Cleansing with baths, showers, salt water, essential oils, eggs (Q’ero practice)
Drinking soothing teas, water with electrolytes
Watsu treatments
* Text from DYC Tong Shu app, written by Liu Ming and Da Yun Circle